21.10–23.10.2025 | Crocus Expo, Moscow


MuzzLab 2019

Please note that all workshops are free of charge upon the preliminary registration.

The conference will be held from 12 to 14 September in two conference halls in pavilion 7a (the 1st floor).
September 12, Thursday. HALL № 5 "Promoting and self-production"
12.00 - 12.45 How to sell your music to films, and why is it related to YouTube video blocking

  • The International administrative basic musical terms that you should know;
  • How to sell your music to the world top series and films;
  • Why blocking on YouTube happends and how to avoid it
Ilya Tupaev, the founder of the Agency for management of rights of authors and musicians Soundbroker.pro, international agent selection and licensing of music in films.
Sergey Sokolov, a specialist in the management of copyright and related rights in Music Agency SoundBroker.pro

13.00 - 13.45 Music promotion in digital-era

During the lecture, the speaker will talk about various types of media relevant in 2019, the main mistakes of music marketing, the basis for the promotion of musical projects, the types of sites and the specifics of the promotion of musical content on them.

Anton Vybornov, head of SMM Respect Production Department, consultant of independent musicians. More than 10 years in digital advertising – both in advertising agencies and on the client side.

14.00 -14.45 How to earn your first $ 200 online by your music

You will explore how to make your first money by your music, how to create music for advertising of brands, blogs, movies, radio and television. You will learn about all nuances of compsing, mixing, mastering of commercial music.

Andrey Yurchenkov, an expert on commercial music, creator of more than 500 tracks for advertising.

15.00 - 15.45 How to cash up in giving private music lessons

You will learn how to use social networks to find students, and to start to make a big money by giving private music lessons. To get you started with the technology right now and better prepared for the master class, I have prepared additional

Denis Zagumennov, a sound engineer, teacher, publicist, founder of sound engineering school Mixingschool.ru.

16.00 -16.45 Native instruments for promoting a musical project in the music industry

  • Digital storefronts and distribution in the digital music environment;
  • Distribution of music videos on YouTube;
  • Modern opportunities of marketing at distribution of physical product's;
  • The distribution of mobile content and opportunities for Telecom operators;
  • Distribution of music in movies, TV series, advertising, etc.;
  • The distribution of music in public areas and the possibility of Shazam;
  • Distribution of music via radio and TV terrestrial and cable channels;
  • Other possibilities.

Alexey Nikolaev, founder and leading expert of InSimple consulting Bureau, lecturer at RMA business school, Institute of sound design and International University of Moscow.

17.00 - 17.45 Promotion of concerts, festivals and other events

The success of any event - from a standard club performance to a large-scale festival - is directly related to its promotion. TV, radio, outdoor advertising, social networks - what will work better in each case. You will find out how to achieve efficiency and to save money.

Evgeny Safronov, editor-in-chief of InterMedia agency, lecturer, author of more than 200 materials in the leading media, organizer of press support for more than 1.5 thousand concerts and festivals, Member of the Russian music Academy, member of the Council on intellectual property of the chamber of Commerce.

18.00 - 18.45 How to make money by music in 2019?

You will find out different methods how to make money in the music industry today. The main task is to demonstrate young musicians the full range of opportunities for earnings in music, to highlight the transition from "normal" work to "musical", as well as to introduce the basics of doing business and finding customers.

Alexey Romanovsky, blogger, leader of metal band BAU, co-owner of rehearsal bases network in Moscow Lemooor Studio

HALL № 6 "Video & Music Production"

12.00 - 12.45 What is a Hit. How to Create and to Promote it

Probably the biggest dream of every musician is to create at least one song that will have a huge success. You will learn what a musical hit is, how to create it and to promote it at this master-class.

Alexander Elin, a cult Soviet and Russian poet-songwriter, writer, producer, journalist and copywriter. An author of many hit songs in rock and pop music

13.00 - 13.45 Creative approach to voice part recording

You will learn how to develop your creative intuition and use it for recording of your vocal register. You will find out more about the basic sound instruments. You will analyze the techniques that the popular singers have used to create a unique atmosphere of their tracks.

Julia Guryanova, a musician, a vocal teacher, head of the REDsound music school and a merch workshop for musicians DRESS TO KILL. Multiple award winner of the domestic music competitions.

14.00 - 14.45 Professional distinctiveness of a composer for films

You will find out how to develop yourself in the film industry as a composer, how to break through and find your style, what problems you may face and how to grapple with them.

Nikolay Skachkov, composer and co-curator of the program "Composer in films" of the Moscow film school.

15.00 - 15.45 Sectrets of songs` production

Basic principles how to gather a professional team to the song production. The right and proven approach to songs writing.

Alexander Lunev, popular Russian composer and music producer.

16.00 - 16.45 How to become a Youtube blogger

Is it possible to make money on Youtube? Could you convert your Youtube channel as a hobby into a full-time job? How does it work? What do you need to know about Youtube. The equipment and programmes you need to start your Youtube channel.

Leos Hellscream, a founder and teacher of the biggest rock school in the CIS - Hellscream Academy. Owner of several successful YouTube channels. Vocalist of a metal band FIEND.

17.00 - 17.45 Create your Song from Nothing

You will find out what you need for writing a song, how to prepare your text song for sellling it to other Artist, what is important and what is not in creating a song.

Yegor Solodovnikov, well-known author of popular songs for Russian Artists. His 6songs became №1 in the CIS.

September 13, Friday. HALL № 5 "Album Recording: Mixing, Mastering"

12.00 - 12.45 Russian Peculiarities in recording of a rock/metal album

You will find out more about development of heavy metal music in Russia. The speaker will tell you about a sound production and all the steps of doing a music album, from composition to release.

Greyl Demetr, a vocalist, songwriter, vocal teacher, session musician, a sound producer.

13.00 - 13.45 Sound in fillms: pre-production, onsite, post-production

You will learn more about the peculiarities of the sound engineers` work in filmson 3 different stages of project creation - pre-production, on-site, post-production. In addition, Alexey will talk about the principles of human perception of sound and will also focus on the most basic cognitive errors that arise in the work of sound engineers and sound designers.

Alexey Puzikov, a sound engineer, a media producer and curator of the program "Sound Engineering" in the Moscow film school

14.00 - 14.45 Composing, Orchestration, Recording - Acoustic and Electric musical instruments

You will learn the main features of composition, arrangement, recording and managing with acoustic and electronic musical instruments in the studio and on the live stage. The lecture will be interesting for musicians who are interested not only in recording the material, but also working with concert equipment. Dmitry will tell you all the nuances of working on stage.

Dmitry Belf, musician, arranger, sound engineer, sound producer, known for working with many popular Russian bands

15.00 - 15.45 Compression as an instrument of tight sound

You will leran how to use compression while mastering: compression of percussion and vocal, types of compression, bandpass and sidechain compression.

Alexander Tsyplukhin, General Director of the School of music makers, sound producer, sound engineer.

16.00 - 16.45 How to record a hit at home and how not to splurge on the record equipment

Modern audio and record technologies are so good that you can record music with a very high quality sound at home. There is one problem: how not to get lost among the endless offers of equipment sellers and how to make all this equipment work smoothly? You will learn what equipment you really cannot do without and what equipment is unnecessary. You will get some practical professional advice how to record music at homw with a great sound.

Denis Zagumennov, a sound engineer, teacher, publicist. He has working experience in the sound industry for over 17 years. He is a founder of a popular in Russia sound engineering courses Mixingschool.ru.

17.00 - 17.45 3D machining in mastering

You will find out the principles of virtual space formation and three-dimensionality of the sound field. You will learn how to create perspective and depth while mastering. Effects of temporary processing of the track.

Alexander Tsyplukhin, General Director of the School of music makers, sound producer, sound engineer.

HALL № 6 Music "Distribution, Contracts and Music Licensing"

12.00 - 12.45 New instruments for communication via music

Pavel Voloshin, CEO, producer of a full service music agency Fancy State. Since 2010, the agency has created premium-quality music pieces for marketing and media projects.

13.00 - 13.45 How to become an endorser of the world-known brand

  • How to become stickout artist
  • How to start cooperation with a brand
  • How to sign a contract with the brand
  • Bloggers, influencers and micro-influencers for the brand
  • Case study of the bad and good cooperation between a brand and a musician

The case study will be illustrated by the world-known brand Flight Ukulele!

Juliana Kaltakhchan, Head of the European office of the international brand ukulele Flight.

Special guest of the master-class: Dani Usero (Spain), an endorser Flight Ukulele.

14.00 - 14.45 Digital music distribution and royalty remuneration

  • Types of music distributors
  • Provided services
  • Agreement with the distributor
  • Requirements for music files and covers
  • Artist name and track name
  • What is ISRC, UPC/EAN codes and how to get them
  • Remuneration payment and financial statements

Alexey Nikolaev, founder and leading expert of InSimple consulting Bureau, lecturer at RMA business school, Institute of sound design and International University of Moscow.

15.00 - 15.45 The modern music industry and issues of audio recordings monetization

You will learn more about the modern music industry system - majors, indie labels, music publishers, societies for collective management of copyright and related rights. Business models, devices and algorithms for the muisc track monetization. Distribution channels, main sites. The types of music production: the single-tracks, albums, music videos, RBT, etc. Legal provision of works, phonograms and the name of the artist. Downloading and streaming. Charts ratings, charts.

Alexander Tikhonov, chief expert of the InterMedia Agency, the leading expert in the music market.

16.00 - 16.45 VKontakte for musicians

The speaker will talk about the instruments of the social network Vkontakte and the most effective usage of these instruments to promote your music.

Katherina Kholsh, Manager of special musical projects Vkontakte

17.00 - 17.45 Author and publisher. Commercial and creative relations. Warner Chappell Music Russia case study

You will find out how to start working the music publisher Warner Chappell Music Russia, what you should know to sign a contract with a record label. The master class will be helpful for all songwriters - practical tips, schemes of work, legal registration of relations and exclusive insights.

Sergey Lysak, #A&R manager Warner Chappell Music Russia #signed to the label Boulevard Depo, Big Baby Tape, SALUKI, OFFMi, i61 #music expert in the project "Winner" (Channel One)

18.00 - 18.45 How to take your music to the radio

You will find out what the role of the Moscow rock-radio MAXIMUM is in promoting of the Russian musicians - special programmes, contests and other opportunities for young musicians.

Andrei Andreev, Creative Producer, Program Director / Editor-in-Chief of Radio MAXIMUM

September 14, Saturday. HALL № 5 "Management"

12.00 - 12.45 Artist as a business project. Management of an artist

You will explore the basic functions, and working schemes of an artist manager as well as the internal and external environment of the artist/organization (relations with concert promoters, music publishers, audience, media, etc.).

Anton Dyachenko, General Director of MMG Music Agency, Manager of popular Russian bands LOUNGE, SLOT, TRACKTOR BOWLING, publisher of the magazine "Artist»

13.00 - 13.45 Management engineering in the music industry

You will learn how to improve the efficiency of your work as a manager of an artist, how to build internal and external communications. You will find out what types of managers exsist and how to avoid mistakes in the management engineering.

Vladimir Kalyan, producer, radio host and TV presenter, the founder of the Internet portal about music Musecube.org, program editor Kalian FM

14.00 - 14.45 Systematic approach to the management of the musical band, from the release of brand merch to interaction with an audience and the media

Management of any musical band is the management of all processes that occur with the artist. If there are problems in at least one aspect, the others will suffer. In Russia, there is no school of music management and everyone who faces this sphere has to learn from bitter experience and mistakes. You will learn more about what music management consists of, how all the parts from the release of branded merch to interaction with their own audience and the media are interconnected at this master class. We will tell you how to avoid the typical failures on the way of brand development.

Marina Migacheva, Manager of BrainStorm Russia/ CIS, coordinator of the press center of the festival Dobrofest.

Lilia Fomina, a founder of the Rock portal EQ, PR-specialist, journalist.

15.00 - 15.45 The main tasks of the manager of a new musical project

  • Working climate, balance of agreements;
  • Financing and refinancing of the music project;
  • Workflow management of the musical project and document flow;
  • Production of music, video and related products;
  • Distribution of the music product;
  • Marketing of the music product;
  • Partnerships;
  • Sales.

Alexey Nikolaev, founder and leading expert of InSimple consulting Bureau, lecturer at RMA business school, Institute of sound design and International University of Moscow.

16.00 - 16.45 Artist management in the modern music industry

We will cut across a range of key issues of artist`s managment for today.

Mikhail Mazunov, founder of Rise UP Agency. Manager of SLATIN, Denis First and Red Lake records.

Anton Hes, member of the Mix Feed team, promoting a high-quality electronic music. Co-founder of Mix Feed Agency

17.00 - 17.45 I am an Artist Manager, where is my money?

You will learn all about different sources of income in the music industry and ways to increase them. You will find out where and how much you can make money in the music business.

Ekaterina Bazhanova, Evgeniy Merkushev, the founders of the music Agency Music Development Russia, curators of the Music Business programme in Moscow Music School, teachers of the course "Management of the artist" in the International Music Business School (Barcelona).

HALL №6 "Concerts and touring, blogging"

12.00 - 12.45 Alexander Zilkov` master class (popular Russian YouTube blogger)

Alexander Zilkov (Neskuchny Sound) will demonstrate his skills on playing the guitar and share with you how to create your own YouTube channel.

Alexander Zilkov, a guitar player, arranger, composer, popular Youtube blogger of the largest music channel on YouTube Neskuchny Sound.

13.00 - 13.45 Creative way in music: teach your guitar to tell stories

To speak language, understandable for audience without words - is the goal, every musician aspires to.

Is it possible? How to develop this skill? How to begin? How to teach this? It's not easy to explain it in few words. Each of us is unique and there are no universal rules that work for everyone. However, everyone is able to pick up the key that will open this magic door, firstly for himself, and then for listeners. Let's just try!

Elena Seagalova, guitarist, composer, official artist of Siggi Braun - Fine Young Guitars (Germany), ENGL (Germany), АМТ (Russia), HESU (Poland), Lizard Spit (USA). Permanent participant of international music exhibitions in Russia and Europe. Guitar teacher practicing in Russia and abroad. Elena has developed several unique teaching methods, include special education program "Practical Musical Psychology", which addressed psychological aspects of musical pedagogy and practice. Institutor of the international independent guitar music festival "GuitarPlayer Party". In early September 2019 will be released her new album "Zero Point".

14.00 - 14.45 How to do your first concert tour

You will find out where to start a young artist, what you need to pay attention to, how to reach out to the concert organizers and and how to protect yourself in organizing of a concert.

Julia Shramkova, a tour manager of popular Russian bands.

15.00 - 15.45 Blogging or touring? How could a musician make money in Russia?

In Russia a great part of musicians are not sure that their musical activities can help them to make provision for the future. How can you understand how to realize yourself in music? Should you develop online or offline music activities? What are the prospects in today's music market? How could you find a comfortable and effective format for making money in music? We will try to find answers to these questions at this lecture.

Misha Ryazhenka, a session musician, marketing specialist, sound producer, blogger

16.00 - 17.45 The best solutions in work with your pedalboard - getting ready for the tour

We will tell you how to choose a reliable pedalboard and power supply, what types they have and what the difference is. You will learn how to connect the pedalboard with the guitar and what the commutation is needed for it..

Andrey Vanyukov, Manager of Pedalzoo.ru, musician and composer.

Partners of MuzzLab 2019