21.10 – 23.10.2025 | Crocus Expo, Moscow

feedback of exhibitors 2023

Daria Bakhmanova
Head of Marketing Department, "Aris"

First of all, I would like to note: the Light + Audio Tec team did a great job of attracting visitors. We have a lot of people at our stand all the time, all the staff are busy - showing, talking, communicating. It's great.

We are in favor of a comprehensive and intelligent approach to sound reinforcement. In addition to supplying and designing sound systems, our Bureau of Acoustic Calculations offers room acoustics calculations. That's why we have a collaboration with Acoustic Group and acoustic materials produced by this company are presented at our stand. Our Bureau works closely with builders, architects, designers, decorators - this is our target audience, which is usually difficult to get. But as it turned out, in the neighboring pavilion there is now a textile exhibition, and specialists who deal with interiors come to our stand. It's great that we have managed to attract this segment - there is such a synergy effect.

We are also friends with the market of video display and content delivery. At the conference "Corporate Multimedia Solutions" we tried to remind this part of the market that sound is important, and if the sound is interrupted during a videoconference, the communication will fail.

The most popular exhibit at our booth, oddly enough for a sound company, is for visual effects. It is a plasma column - a handheld lightning bolt that reacts to human touch. Columns can be of different colors and different intensity of glow - it depends on the composition of gases inside, their quantity, pressure. The developer of our stand asked for a photo-video from our stand for his customers who need such a "wow-effect".

We are presenting Italian RCF sound at the exhibition - it is our oldest brand and partner. At the neighboring stand, our friends SpinetiX are presenting Cloud Electronics loudspeakers (UK). This equipment is available in Russia on the usual terms.

Alena Kuznetsova
Marketing Specialist, "Imlight "

Traditionally, at the September exhibition Imlight opens a new production season. And it always opens with big premieres of our own brand equipment and the latest developments from our foreign partners. So Light + Audio Tec for us is not just one of the events of the business calendar, but a kind of starting point.

This year not only the exhibition itself, but also the traffic of visitors has increased significantly, which was noted by all the participants. The exposition area increased by 35%, and for the first time so many exhibiting companies from the Celestial Empire came to Expocentre (and this, perhaps, is one of the main trends not only of the last exhibition, but also of the stage technology industry in general).

We refused to participate in the business program, as Imlight is currently implementing several large projects of construction and reconstruction of theatrical venues, so almost the entire exhibition at our stand were negotiations with partners and customers. And as a result, the pool of our projects has expanded - we have actually formed a portfolio of orders until 2026.

As for the concept of our stand, the main emphasis was placed on the equipment of our own production and the company's ability to develop complex technical and technological solutions. "Imlait" systematically, step by step implements a large production program: reorganization of facilities, renewal of the machine park, opening a new plant of mechanical and lifting equipment. Next year we celebrate the anniversary, 35 years, and we are very happy that in this prejubilee season we produce not just new products, but open new production lines. And by tradition, the first demonstrations of our most relevant technological novelties were held right here, at Expocenter.

The absolute premiere of the season is the APOLLO power management system for the stage technological complex, which has no analogues in Russian production. Another solution unique for the domestic market is an intelligent chain winch VERTICAL, which will go into production this year. We have also expanded the line of lighting equipment for staging stage lighting - in the series of top-class theatrical spotlights we have released a new ARTIST FL 1000 for flood stage lighting with an advanced 6-color color synthesis system.

And, of course, for the first time we announced ourselves as a manufacturer of special stage effects equipment. The first demonstrations of the new MISTERIUM CFX (Confetti Effects) drum-type confetti machine with unique functionality and design, which our engineers developed with the support of industry practitioners, also took place at Light+Audio Tec 2023.

Natalia Petrukhina
Head of Marketing Department, "Sonoruss"

This year our participation at the exhibition was especially significant, as we presented our own developments, which were embodied in the finished Aurora loudspeaker systems. We had a great chance to demonstrate the results of our work over the last 1.5 years. We continue to work hard and create new projects that will reflect the advanced domestic technologies and provide high quality work. It was great to see everyone! Thank you for your support and trust!

Yulia Bolshakova
Sales Department Manager, "Avallon LTD"

We liked everything very much, as well as last year, there were more visitors to our stands.

Many thanks to the organizers, who do not stay aside - they help us with everything, solve our problems as soon as possible, you can feel the support, and you want to be equal to them in terms of organization.

This year we presented new products: Dreamsound - mixing consoles, microphones, radio systems; expanded model range of Pierre Cesar pianos.

There was a lot of interest from new customers and those already in our dealership. We work with retail, our dealer network already covers almost all the countries of the Middle East. After the exhibition, as a rule, we receive more applications for cooperation on specific brands.

Andrey Sidorov
Project Manager, "Big Screen Show"

The number of visitors surprised me very much, because even business cards on the first day were not enough for me, I had to order more urgently. Everything is very friendly, there are a lot of familiar faces.

We are presenting a transparent screen at the exhibition - it is a new technology that we have introduced only this year. We are the main distributors of the factory, and we promote this story as stationary - for exhibitions, restaurants, store windows. We also have screens on our booth that we rent out - with a smooth curve.

The MW 3.9 transparent screen is a novelty, we used it for the first time at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum this year, at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, and it is also presented at the exhibition-forum "Russia" at VDNKh.

There was a very big demand, people were just flocking to our stand. It was very interesting to see our Chinese colleagues, whose stands are represented in the exposition in large numbers - we cooperate with them too.

I am still in a kind of shock - a pleasant one, because there are a lot of clients, new acquaintances, and a large number of contacts.

Konstantin Rozum,
CEO, "Kreator A.V."

Previously, we have participated in the exposition together with our partners, but this year we are present with our own stand.

In general, I have an extremely positive impression of the exhibition. I was a speaker at the conference "Corporate Multimedia Solutions", and after the event we had a flood of people coming to our stand, which was very conveniently located next to the open conference platform.

Integrators, architects who are interested in non-standard solutions, our old clients came to us - there are many of them in the exposition. End customers, of course, also come, we tell them about the existing technologies so that they know about the current tools for solving multimedia tasks.

At the exhibition we presented our own development, having announced it widely here for the first time - it is a hardware-software complex, a Linux-based video wall controller, which is able to work with large amounts of information and perform resource-intensive tasks right on the controller itself. Our solution is capable of providing ultra-high resolution images - from 16K and higher. This is necessary for SCADA - monitoring of technological processes at oil production facilities, nuclear power plants and other industrial enterprises.

Yulia Rybak
General Director, "MR PROJECT"

We are exclusive distributors of Elation. We had a lot of visitors to our stand: representatives of rental companies, theaters, sports venues. Everyone was very positive - I like everything, as always. The exhibition is like New Year's Eve: we spend the whole year preparing for it, then it passes quickly, and almost immediately we start preparing for a new one.

This year we presented several new successful positions - lighting devices: KL PROFILE FC, Magma Fog 1500 IP, KL PANEL XL IP. And as usual, the already proven line of smoke machines and liquid to them.

I was very pleased with the scale of the exhibition this year. The more exhibitors, the more visitors, and, accordingly, more opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones.

Anton Postnikov
Head of Sales Department, "SNK-S"

For us, the exhibition is not only a point of intersection with the professional community, but also a kind of filter for understanding what is happening on the market. From the point of view of the contingent of visitors, Light + Audio Tec is quite interesting for us. During these days we met a lot of old acquaintances, gained new contacts and made some interesting product discoveries.

Despite the fact that we participated in the exposition for the first time, many people know us. First of all, this is the target audience, integrators, installers, project distributors. But "end users" also came in - people who had not heard of us before, and we were happy to consult them and share information on where to order our products.

Nikita Elagin
Product Manager Sound, "SNK-S"

The company's stand consisted of several thematic zones: solutions for the corporate sector and hospitality industry, powerful stage acoustics, and control systems. We presented some serious new products from the Spanish manufacturers Ecler and Fonestar. The second brand is not very well known in Russia, we hope to remedy the situation soon - they have a very interesting pricing policy and a very decent and extensive range of products.

We were very pleased with the first feedback on our own sound brand, Qtex. People have tested the equipment in business, "rolled out" various scenarios of use and are ready to cooperate further. Also in demand at the exhibition was a section of old-timers - professional acoustics Atlas IED and Axiom. Most of the models could be listened to and "played" with the settings. And it is very good that the Light + Audio Tec site gives such an opportunity.

Yuri Reshetnikov
General Director, TVA

In general, quite positive impressions of the exhibition. I liked the fact that the organizers solved all the issues arising during the construction of the stand very quickly.

The exhibition is multifaceted, it touches not only rental companies and dealers, but also the entire media environment. Visitor traffic to our booth was great, we found new customers who did not know about us, or bought the same thing, but from competitors.

Our clients are rental companies, dealers for some brands that we can bring in, and for which we do distribution. As a systems integrator, we deal with complex projects.

The exhibition is a great opportunity to find out how the market lives and breathes now in a broad sense, to show ourselves and to look at others in new difficult conditions.